Friday, January 2, 2009

what is the true gospel

hello everyone, this is the first time that iam doing this, so please bear with me. the last couple of weeks the Holy Spirit has been putting in my heart, the theme of repentance. whats repentance and why the church is failing to see the kind of gospel that we should be preaching out there in the world. first of all we are commanded to go in to the world and preach this gospel. what breaks my heart we have gotten the mentality that we are in this to get what we can out of GOD. when it comes to asking. there are big time preachers outthere that i believe are misrepresenting the true purpose of why were out there preaching this gospel. steve lawson once said that we need to preach the gospel of the kingdom of GOD, which was
1.repentance and believeing the gospel.
repentance from what? we may ask. we have broken GODS standard. which was set in the 10 commandments. the commandments serves as a mirror, shows us that we are short of GODs perfection, its the LAW of GOD that converts the soul. Galatians 3:24 says that the LAW is our schoolmaster to bring us to christ, that we may be justified by faith. but for some apperent reason we are not seeing this. we have preached a gospel of prosperity,and are afraid to "offend" the sinner,. GOD did not sent his SON so that we can have riches here on earth, nor give us mansions and riches in this world because we gave so and so much to a particular ministry. GOD sent his son so that we can be forgiven of our SINS, sin is the trangression of the LAW. we deserve his wrath, we deserve to go to hell, but GOD did something, he sent JESUS so that he can be our SIN bearer he paid the price for us, so we can be reconciled with GOD. we need to preach this gospel where ever we go, and speak directly to the conscious of people because we do not want to see them in hell for eternity. we are sent to warn people of the coming judgement to come. GOD hates sin, and HE wants us to call it for what it is. lets continue on, lets stay faithful and presevere. we here in the west have gotten so used to feeling comfortable in our pews. but there are believers in other countries that are persecuted because they knew that being a christian was difficult and they had to pay the price. they preached the GOSPEL of the kingdom, called tribes, and nations to repentance, and because they were not ashamed they suffered the ultimate persecution, imprisonment, or death. they knew that its about the cross.....

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